Similar to the “CPT results” section, the MS excel files for the pile load test results can be accessed through the preview links. As shown in Fig. 12.6, this part is divided into some subsections in terms of pile installation types. The time interval between pile installation and performing the load tests and the separated shaft and toe capacities, if available, are also provided. įigs. 12.5 and 12.6: Piles characteristics: this part is allocated to the information on pile geometry, installation type, along with the results of pile loading tests, both diagram and digitized formats.The data are presented in MS Excel file which can be accessed by clicking on the preview link provided. įig. 12.4: CPT data: the CPT profiles as well as the digitized results for each case can be found in this section of the database.More detailed information on each record can be accessed through the “Details” button at the end of each row. In this form, a summary of the records characteristics is presented as well. Each record is given a unique identification name by which its source, CPT profiles, and pile loading test can be distinguished. įig. 12.3: General records form: as depicted, the first section of the database includes the list of all the records.AUT: Geo-CPT&Pile database: search section ( Moshfeghi and Eslami, 2016).